How pathetic could journalism can get?

Sujata Anandan wrote on 'The Oped Page' of The Hindustan Times, Mumbai on May 02, 2007 something like below…excerpts: "how bloody could patriotism get?" "Modi's popularity proves that Gujaratis think differently from the rest of India. Let us hope that the fake killings will shame them enough to boot out the likes of Modi and Vanjara" "… some point of time the people of Gujarat will be shamed enough to boot out the likes of...

Troy – The Western Mahabharata

"What is written here is everywhere else and what is not written in here is nowhere in the world!" I remembered these legendary words from our all-time best epic 'The Mahabharata' penned by Muni Ved Vyas when I saw this great movie recently. I went to the library and read the Greek epic on which the story of this film is based - The Iliad. It's one of the two epics of Greece (Iliad and...